CSTF Aligned Training
Verity Sangan
Last Update 4 years ago
What is CSTF Aligned Training?
The Core Skills Training Framework (CSTF) was launched in 2013 to prevent the need for repeating training which staff had previously completed at other organisations. The CSTF allows employers to recognise an employee's previous training, knowing that the training is aligned to standards which are recognised by Skills for Health.
What are the benefits of CSTF Aligned training?
According to Skills for Health, the benefits of statutory/mandatory training which is CSTF Aligned are:
- "Provides a national ‘benchmark’ for the content of statutory/mandatory training.
- Sets out minimum learning outcomes, frequency of refresher training and links to relevant legislation or expert guidance.
- Can be used by any healthcare employer in the UK including NHS, independent healthcare providers and educational organisations.
- Standardises the interpretation and delivery of statutory/mandatory training.
- Applicable across all four UK countries.
- Linkages between the Framework, E-Learning and WIRED compliance reporting puts all the right information in the hands of employers in a new and powerful way."
We offer a range of CSTF Aligned courses, some of which are also accredited with CPD Certification.
Go to our Course Catalogue and click 'CSTF Aligned' in the left hand category menu to view our CSTF Aligned courses.